26th January 2019

Branch Line Society
The Blackpool Balloon

Trams Used 713 & Engineering Tram 754
Trucks Used 929 (FNO 357 T)


Tram(s) Route
713 Hopton Road - Manchester Square - Central Pier - Tower - Tower X/O
713 Tower X/O - Central Pier - Pleasure Beach - Harrow Place - Starr Gate - Starr Gate Loop - Starr Gate Depot Throat
713 Starr Gate Depot Throat - Starr Gate Depot (Road 5 EoL)
713 Starr Gate Depot - Starr Gate Depot Throat
713 Starr Gate Depot Throat - Starr Gate Depot (Road 6 EoL)
713 Starr Gate Depot - Starr Gate Headshunt
713 Starr Gate Headshunt - Starr Gate Depot (Road 3 OHLE Limit)
713 Starr Gate Depot - Starr Gate Depot Exit - Harrow Place
713 Harrow Place - (via Trailing Crossover) - Starr Gate - Starr Gate Loop - Starr Gate Depot Exit - Pleasure Beach - Tower - North Pier (Centre Road) - North Pier (N.)(5)
713 North Pier (N.) - North Pier - Tower - Central Pier - Foxhall
754 (1) Foxhall - Manchester Square X/O - Manchester Square
713 Manchester Sqaure - Foxhall X/O
713 Foxhall X/O - Hopton Road - Blundell Street
754 (1) Blundell Street - Rigby Road
754 (2) Rigby Road - Blundell Street - Rigby Road Depot Entrance
929 (3) Rigby Road Depot Entrance - Paint Shop
929 (4) Paint Shop - Rigby Road Depot Entrance
713 Rigby Road Depot - Hopton Road - Manchester Square - Central Pier - Tower - North Pier (Heritage Loop)
713 North Pier (Heritage Loop) - North Pier X/O - Tower
713 Tower - Tower X/O - North Pier (Centre Road) - Cabin - Bispham - Bispham (Centre Road) - Thornton Gate - Centre Road - Rossall Beach - Fleetwood Ferry (Inner Loop) - Fishermans Walk
713 Fishermans Walk - Fishermans Walk X/O - Fleetwood Ferry (Outer Loop) - Thornton Gate - Bispham (Centre Road) - Bispham - Cabin - North Pier - Tower - Manchester Square - South Pier - Pleasure Beach (Outer Loop) - South Pier - Manchester Square - Foxhall
713 (6) Foxhall - Foxhall (North of X/O)
713 Foxhall (North of X/O) - Foxhall (South of X/O)
713 Foxhall - Tower - North Pier (Centre Road) - Cabin - (7) - Bispham - Little Bispham Loop - Bispham - Cabin - North Pier - Tower - Manchester Square - Hopton Road

(1) Engineering Tram 754, on diesel power towing, 713.
(2) 754, on diesel power, propelling 713.
(3) ERF Recovery Truck propelling 713.
(4) ERF Recovery Truck towing 713.
(5) North Pier - Booked to reverse in Centre Road & use S. X/O. but continued N/B to use N. X/O
(6) 713 propelling failed Centenary Tram 642 to North of the crossover, (as it would only work in one direction), so that it could return to the Depot. However, 642 failed on the crossover. Souvenir Shop Tram 711, (which had been at North Pier all day), arrived on it's way back to Depot so that was used to propel 642 & all lines re-opened.
(7) Booked working was to reverse at Cabin X/O, but instead continued onwards & around the Little Bispham Loop.

Sources : Alan Sheppard & Jim Sellens (both on the tram throughout)

Timings (Booked & Actual)
(from Alan Sheppard)

Location Booked Actual
Hopton Road 10.35d 10.31d
Lytham Road ? 10.32½ ~ 10.33
Manchester Square ? 10/34
Central Pier ? 10/35
Tower X/O ?? ~ ?? 10.36 ~ 10.39
Central Pier ? 10/40
Pleasure Beach ? 10/46
Starr Gate ? 10/51½
Starr Gate Loop ? 10.52½ ~ 10.57
Starr Gate Depot Wash ? 10.58 ~ 11.00
Starr Gate Depot Throat ? 11.01 ~ 11.03
Starr Gate Depot ? 11.04 ~ 11.05 [Rd.5][EoL]
Starr Gate Depot Throat ? 11.06 ~ 11.07
Starr Gate Depot ? 11.09 ~ 11.09½ [Rd.6][EoL]
Starr Gate Headshunt ?? ~ ?? 11.11½ ~ 11.03 [EoL]
Starr Gate Depot ?? ~ ?? 11.16 ~ 11.18 [Rd.3]
Starr Gate Depot Exit ? 11.19 ~ 11.19½
Harrow Place ?? ~ ?? 11.21 ~ 11.23½
Starr Gate ? 11.25 ~ 11.25½
Starr Gate Loop ? 11.27 ~ 11.31
Starr Gate Depot Wash ? 11.32 ~ 11.33
Pleasure Beach ? 11/40
Tower ? 11/46
North Pier (Centre Road) ?? ~ ?? 11/47½
North Pier N. X/O DIV 11.48 ~ 11.50
North Pier S/B DIV 11.51 ~ 11.51½
North Pier S. X/O ? S. X/O 11/52
Tower ? 11/52½
Foxhall ? 11.55 AAE 12.00
Manchester Square X/O ? 12/01½
Manchester Square ?? ~ ?? 12.03 DAE 12.04½
Foxhall ??~ ?? 12.05 ~ 12.06½
Manchester Square (N) ? 12.08 ~ 12.11
Manchester Square ? 12.11½ ~ 12.12½
Hopton Road ? 12/13
Blundell Street ?? ~ ?? 12.15½ AAE 12.18½
Rigby Road ?? ~ ?? 12.21 ~ 12.23
Rigby Road Depot Entrance ? 12DAE27 ~ 12AAE33
Rigby Road Depot Paint Shop ?? ~ ?? 12.35½ ~ 12.36
Rigby Road Depot Entrance ? 12p42 DAE 12p54
Hopton Road ? 12/55
Lytham Road ? 12/56
Manchester Square ? 12/57
Central Pier ? 12/58
Tower ? 12/59
North Pier Heritage Loop ??a 13.00½a
Location Booked Actual
North Pier Heritage Loop 13.45d 13.48d
North Pier S. X/O ? 13/49
Tower ?? ~ ?? 13.50 ~ 13.52
Tower X/O ? 13/52½
North Pier (Centre Road) ? 13.53½ ~ 13.57
Cabin ? 14/04
Bispham ? 14/07½
Bispham (Centre Road) ? 14/08
Thornton Gate ? 14/17½
Thornton Gate (Centre Road) ? 14/18
Fleetwood Ferry ? 14.33½a ~ 14.34d
Fleetwood Ferry Inner Loop ? 14.34 ~ 14.34½
Fisherman's Walk ?? ~ ?? 14.39½ ~ 14.41
Fisherman's Walk X/O ? 14/41½
Fleetwood Ferry ? 14.47a ~ 14.47½d
Fleetwood Ferry Outer Loop ? 14p48½ ~ 14p53
Thornton Gate ? 15.06½ ~ 15.07
Bispham (Centre Road) ? 15.17 ~ 15.20½
Bispham ? 15.21a ~ 15.21½d
Cabin ? 15/24½
North Pier ? 15.31a ~ 15.32d
Tower ? 15/33
Pleasure Beach ? 15.41 ~ 15.42
Pleasure Beach (Outer Loop) ? 15p43a ~ 15p47d
Pleasure Beach ? 15/48
Foxhall ? 15.52 ~ 16.23½
Foxhall (North) ? 16.24½ ~ 16.25½
Foxhall ? 16.26 ~ 16.39
Tower ? 16/41
North Pier ? (Centre) 16.42a ~ 16.43d (Heritage Loop)
Cabin ? 16.50 ~ 16.51½
Bispham DIV 16/55½
Little Bispham DIV 16/59
Bispham DIV 17.05a ~ 17.05½d
Cabin X/O (7) ?? ~ ?? 17/07½
North Pier ? 17.14a ~ 17.15d
Tower ? 17/16
Manchester Square ? 17.18 ~ 17.18½
Lytham Road ? 17/19
Hopton Road ? 17.20a

Mileage table from Jim Sellens.

Location To In Use Km
Rigby Road Depot Gates Tower x/o N/B line 713 1.19
Tower x/o N/B line Starr Gate Depot Access Crossing 713 4.70
Starr Gate Depot Access Crossing Starr Gate Depot Road 5 EoL 713 0.13
Starr Gate Depot Road 5 EoL Starr Gate Depot Access Crossing 713 0.13
Starr Gate Depot Access Crossing Starr Gate Depot Road 6 EoL 713 0.13
Starr Gate Depot Road 5 EoL Starr Gate Depot Headshunt 713 0.25
Starr Gate Depot Headshunt Starr Gate Depot Road 3 (OHLE Limit) 713 0.18
Starr Gate Depot Road 3 (OHLE Limit) Harrow Place, N/B line 713 0.22
Harrow Place, N/B line North Pier North X/O, N/B line 713 5.20
North Pier North X/O, N/B line Foxhall X/O, S/B line 713 1.06
Foxhall X/O, S/B line Manchester Square X/O, N/B line 754 [+713] 0.17
Manchester Square X/O, N/B line Foxhall X/O, N/B line 713 0.17
Foxhall X/O, N/B line Blundell Street Siding 713 0.53
Blundell Street Siding Blundell Street / Rigby Road 754 [+713] 0.07
Blundell Street / Rigby Road Rigby Road Depot, 1,2,3 Road Points [713] 754 0.13
Rigby Road Depot, 1,2,3 Road Points Paint Shop Doors [713] 929 0.10
Paint Shop Doors Rigby Road Depot, 1,2,3 Road Points 929 [+713] 0.10
Rigby Road Depot, 1,2,3 Road Points North Pier, Heritage Loop 713 1.53
North Pier, Heritage Loop Tower X/O, S/B line 713 0.32
Tower X/O, S/B line Fishermans's Walk X/O, S/B line 713 14.83
Fishermans's Walk X/O, S/B line Foxhall X/O, N/B line 713 19.36
Foxhall X/O, N/B line N/B line, North of Foxhall X/O [642] 713 0.01
N/B line, North of Foxhall X/O N/B line, South of Foxhall X/O 713 0.04
N/B line, South of Foxhall X/O North Pier, Heritage Loop
North Pier S/B line
Rigby Road DepotGates
713 1.08
Total : 64.35 Km (39.99 Miles)

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