23rd July 2022

UK Railtours
The Fighting Cocks Flyer

Locos Used 60066, 66103 & 67007
Stock Used 17105+3304+/3278+80042+3340+3314+3397+3333+1657+6051+5961+6067+6054

Route :
1Z51 : Finsbury Park to Tees N.Y.
1Z52 : Tees N.Y. to Darlington
1Z53 : Darlington to Finsbury Park

Loco(s) Route
67007 Finsbury Park - (via ECML) - Doncaster - Shaftholme Jn - Haywood Jn - Knottingley South Jn - Knottingley West Jn - Ferrybridge North Jn - Milford Jn - Church Fenton - Colton Jn - Holgate Jn - York Yard South Jn - Skelton Jn - Thirsk - Longlands Jn - Northallerton East Jn - Yarm - Eaglescliffe - Stockton Cut Jn - Bowesfield Jn - Thornaby East Jn - Tees N.Y.
60066 (1) Tees N.Y. - Newport East Jn - Middlesbrough - Redcar Central - Saltburn West Jn - Crag Hall - Boulby Potash
66103 (2) Boulby Potash - Crag Hall - Saltburn West Jn - Redcar Central - Middlesbrough
66103 (3) Middlesbrough - Thornaby - Bowesfield Jn - Stockton Cut Jn - Eaglescliffe - Dinsdale - Darlington Up S.S.
67007 Darlington Up S.S. - Northallerton - Thirsk - York - Colton Jn - Hambleton North Jn - Hambleton East Jn - Selby West Jn - Selby Canal Jn - Temple Hirst Jn - Shaftholme Jn - Doncaster - (via ECML) - Finsbury Park

Notes :
(1) 66103 on rear.
(2) 60066 on rear.
(3) 67007 on rear.
(4) David Lodwick comments: On the outward journey we did not go via Decoy South Jn - Decoy North Jn due to emergency engineering work, due to a previous derailment. On the return we departed Darlington Up SS late due to a loco problem, and did not go via platform 1 at Welwyn Garden City, due to running late.

Sources : David Lodwick & Doug Lindsay (both on the tour throughout)

Photo Review

60066 & 66103 at Tees N.Y. (photos: David Lodwick)

67007 at Doncaster on the return leg (photo: David Lodwick)

Timings (Booked & Actual)
(from David Lodwick, Doug Lindsay & Realtime Trains)

M.C Location Booked Actual   Booked Actual M.C
0.00 Finsbury Park 07.12d [P8] [DS2] 07.12   22.40a [P4] 23.16 533.69
2.37 Alexandra Palace 07/17 [P3] [DS] 07/19   22/37 [P2] [UF] 23/09 531.32
10.16 Potters Bar 07.27a ~ 07.32d [P4] [DS] 07.29 ~ 07.32   22.23a ~ 22.26d [P1] [US] 22.53 ~ 22.56 523.53
17.64 Welwyn Garden City 07/40 [P4] [DS] 07/42   22/12 [P1] [US] 22/43 [P2] 516.05
18.57 Digswell Jn 07*43 ~ 07*47 ? ~ 07.46   22/09 [US] 22/42 514.74
21.27 Woolmer Green Jn 07/50 [DF] 07/49   22/07 22/39 512.42
25.04 Stevenage 07.54a ~ 07.57d [P4] [DS] 07.53 ~ 07.57 [P4]   22.00a ~ 22.03d [P1] [US] 22.29 ~ 22.30 508.65
29.33 Hitchin 08/03 [P2] [DS] 08/02   21/55 [P1] [US] 22/25 504.36
38.52 Biggleswade 08/10 [P4] [DS] 08/09   21/47 [P1] [US] 22/17 495.17
41.49 Sandy 08/13 [P2] [DS] 08/11   21/44 [P1] [US] 22/14 492.20
56.29 Huntingdon 08/25½ [P3] [DF] 08/26   21/33 [UF] 22/01 477.40
? Conington South Jn 08/33½ ?   21/28 [UF] 21/54 469.00
66.51 Holme Jn 08/35 [DF] 08/35   21/26½ ? ?
72.41 Fletton Jn 08/40 [DS] 08/40   21/22 [UF] 21/47 461.28
73.68 Peterborough 08.44a ~ 08.47d [P5] [DS] 08.43 ~ 08.48 [P5]   21.17a ~ 21.19d [P1] [US] 21.40 ~ 21.43 460.01
79.15 Helpston Jn 08/55 [DS] 08/55   21/11 ? ?
82.41 Tallington Jn 09/00 [DS] 09/00   21/03 [US] 21/30 451.28
97.19 Stoke Jn 09/13 09/13   20/53 [UF] 21/18 436.50
102.77 Grantham 09*19 ~ 09*20 [DGL] 09/20   20/50 [P1] 21/14 430.72
113.35 Claypole Loop 09*29 ~ 09*29 09/31   20*36 ~ 20*42 [UPL] 20.58 ~ 21.04 421.06
117.47 Newark Northgate 09/35 [P1] 09/35   20*29 ~ 20*29 [GL] 20/51 416.22
118.22 Newark Flat Crossing 09/35½ 09/36   20/27 20/49 415.47
123.12 Carlton-on-Trent Loop 09*41 ~ 09*41 [DPL] 09/40   20/21 20/39 410.03
136.08 Retford 09/51 09/52   20/11 20/24 397.61
? Ranskill Loop 09/55 09/55   19*53 ~ 20*06 [UPL] 20/14 392.38
149.39 Loversall Carr Jn 10/01 [WSL] 10/00 [DF]   19/46 20/08 384.36
150.74 Decoy South Jn 10/04 [DLF] DIV   - - -
151.52 Decoy North Jn 10*07 ~ 10*11 DIV   - - -
153.36 Doncaster 10.16a ~ 10.19d [P4] 10.06 ~ 10.18 [P4]   19.39a ~ 19.41d [P1] 19.58 ~ 20.03 [P1] 380.39


M.C Location Booked Actual
157.55 Shaftholme Jn 10/25 10/24
158.57 Haywood Jn 10/28 10/27
167.57 Knottingley South Jn 10/39 10/38
168.23 Knottingley West Jn 10/40 10/39
168.67 Ferrybridge North Jn 10/42 10/40
170.79 Milford Jn 10/51 10/46
173.75 Church Fenton 10*58 ~ 11*00 [P3] [NNL] 10.58 ~ 11.00
179.12 Colton South Jn 11/09 [LSL] 11/05
180.08 Colton Jn 11/10 [LSL] 11/06
? Holgate Jn 11/15½ 11/11
184.41 York Yard South Jn 11/16 11/12
185.78 Skelton Jn 11/20 [DS] 11/18
187.39 Skelton Bridge Jn 11/23 [DF] 11/25
193.76 Tollerton Jn 11/29 [DF] 11/33
206.44 Thirsk 11/37 [DF] 11/40
213.15 Longlands Jn 11/44 11/45
214.20 Boroughbridge Road LC 11/46 [ML] 11/46
214.78 Northallerton East Jn 11/47 11/47
226.34 Yarm 11/59 [P2] 11/58
228.79 Eaglescliffe 12/03 [P2] 12/01
230.27 Stockton Cut Jn 12/05 12/03
231.12 Bowesfield Jn 12/07 12/04
232.05 Thornaby East Jn 12/11 12/07
233.56 Tees N.Y. 12L18 ~ 13L00 12.14 ~ 12.56
235.19 Newport East Jn 13/04 [GL] 13/00
236.16 Middlesbrough 13/07 [GL] 13/03
237.12 Whitehouse Jn 13/09 13/08
238.47 South Bank Jn 13/13 [GL] 13/13
239.57 Grangetown 13/20 13/20
243.50 Redcar Central 13/26 [P2] 13/26
243.68 Redcar Central [Down Loop] 13*29 ~ 13*29 [DGL] ?
246.51 Marske 13.33 ~ 13.35 ?
247.72 Saltburn West Jn 13/39 13/39
254.55 Crag Hall SB 14t04 ~ 14t05 13.57 ~ 13.58
259.56 Boulby Potash Reception 14.20 ~ 14.40 14.14 ~ 14.44
264.57 Crag Hall SB 14t54 ~ 14t55 15.06 ~ 15.07
271.40 Saltburn West Jn 15/15 15/30
272.61 Marske 15.18 ~ 15.20 ?
275.62 Redcar Central 15/26 [P1] 15/42
279.61 Grangetown 15/33 [DGL] 15/50
280.71 South Bank Jn 15*41 ~ 15*44 ? ~ 15.57
282.26 Whitehouse Jn 15/49 [ML] 15/59
283.22 Middlesbrough 15.52a ~ 16.00d [P1] 16.03 ~ ?
- Newport East Jn 16/04 [GL] 16/11
- Tees N.Y. 16L10 ~ 16L58 16.17 ~ 17.06
- Newport East Jn 17/03 [ML] 17/11
283.22 Middlesbrough 17.05a ~ 17.15d [P2] 17.15 ~ 17.24
285.39 Thornaby 17/21 [P1] 17/30
287.26 Bowesfield Jn 17/23 17/32
288.09 Stockton Cut Jn 17/25 17/33
289.39 Eaglescliffe 17/28 [P1] 17/35
294.37 Dinsdale 17/36 17/45
298.22 Darlington 17/42 [UGL] 17/54
298.59 Darlington Up S.S. 17L45 ~ 18L00 17.58 ~ 18.27
299.16 Darlington 18/03 [UGL] 18/30
313.30 Northallerton 18/14 18/44
? Longlands Jn 18/15 [US] 18/45
321.00 Thirsk 18/21 [P1] [US] 18/51
333.48 Tollerton Jn 18/33 [UF] 19/03
341.46 Skelton Jn 18/39 19/10
343.16 York 18/41 [P3] [NNL] 19/13
348.57 Colton Jn 18/47 19/19
356.61 Hambleton North Jn 18/55 19/25
357.27 Hambleton East Jn 18/57 19/27
360.25 Selby West Jn 19/02 ?
362.57 Selby Canal Jn 19*05 ~ 19*16 ?
367.29 Temple Hirst Jn 19/25 19/44
376.20 Shaftholme Jn 19/31½ 19/52

Timings continue in first table.
Mileages as shown in the tour brochure.

Associated E.C.S. Workings

22/07/22 :
5A90 : (67007 + tour stock) : Burton Wetmore Sidings to Wembley Yard

Location Booked
Burton Wetmore Sidings 15.52d
Wetmore Jn 15.57 ~ 16.05
Burton-on-Trent 16/08
Wichnor Jn 16/15
Tamworth HL 16/23
Kingsbury Jn 16/32
Water Orton 16/40
Water Orton West Jn 16/41
Park Lane Jn 16/43
Sutton Park 16/49
Ryecroft Jn 17/02
Walsall 17c06 ~ 17c08
Pleck Jn 17/11
Bescot Stadium 17/14
Perry Barr North Jn 17/21
Aston 17/25
Stechford 17/31
Birmingham International 17/39
Berkswell 17/44
Coventry 17/50
Trent Valley Jn 18/00
Rugby 18/06
Hillmorton Jn 18/08
Daventry North Jn 18/12
Long Buckby 18/19
Northampton 18*32 ~ 18*44 [P3]
Hanslope Jn 18/54
Milton Keynes Central 19/00
Bletchley 19/04
Ledburn Jn 19/15
Tring 19/23
Bourne End Jn 19/30
Watford Junction 19/40
Harrow & Wealdstone 19/45
Wembley Central 19/50
DB Cargo Fan A&B Sidings 19.56a

23/07/22 :
5N50 : (67007 + tour stock) : Wembley Yard to Finsbury Park

Location Booked
DB Cargo Fan A&B Sidings 06.05d
Wembley Yard South Jn 06/10
Willesden Railnet Reception 06/14
Harlesden Jn 06/19
Willesden West London Jn 06/21
Camden Jn 06/25
Camden Road Jn 06*29 ~ 06*35
Camden Road Central Jn 06/37
York Way North Jn 06/39
Copenhagen Jn 06/40
Holloway South Jn 06/43
Finsbury Park 07.00a [P8]

5M50 : (67007 + tour stock) : Finsbury Park to Wembley Yard

Location Booked
Finsbury Park 22.48d [P4]
Holloway South Jn 22/50
Copenhagen Jn 22/53
York Way North Jn 22/54
Camden Road Central Jn 22*57 ~ 22*58
Camden Road Jn 23/00
Camden Jn 23/03
Willesden West London Jn 23/08
Harlesden Jn 23/10
Willesden Railnet Reception 23/12
Wembley Yard South Jn 23/15
DB Cargo Fan A&B Sidings 23.20a

25/07/22 :
5D90 : (67007 + tour stock) : Wembley Yard to Burton Wetmore Sidings

Location Booked
DB Cargo Fan A&B Sidings 09.19d
Wembley Central 09/24
Harrow & Wealdstone 09/29
Watford Junction 09/34
Bourne End Jn 09/44
Tring 09/53
Ledburn Jn 09/59
Bletchley 10/05
Milton Keynes Central 10/09
Hanslope Jn 10/14
Northampton 10/23
Long Buckby 10/34
Daventry North Jn 10/39
Hillmorton Jn 10/42
Rugby 10/44
Trent Valley Jn 10/46
Coventry 10/55
Berkswell 11/00
Birmingham International 11*09 ~ 11*22 [P1]
Stechford 11/31
Aston 11/39
Perry Barr North Jn 11/45
Bescot Stadium 11/55
Pleck Jn 11/57
Walsall 12c02 ~ 12c04 [P1]
Ryecroft Jn 12/08
Park Lane Jn 12*28 ~ 12*32
Water Orton West Jn 12/35
Water Orton 12/36
Kingsbury Jn 12/40
Tamworth HL 12/47
Wichnor Jn 12/54
Leicester Jn 12/59
Burton-on-Trent 13/01
Wetmore Jn 13.07 ~ 13.12
Burton Wetmore Sidings 13.16a

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